A hydrogen-powered meals on wheels van has been introduced in Monmouthshire - in a world first.

Monmouthshire Council partnered with Caerphilly-based Vantastec, to trial this innovative vehicle designed to minimise emissions.

The service provides meals to 300 households all year round, supporting residents to maintain independence.

Vantastec managing directors Gareth Edwards and Colin Smith said: "We’ve been working hard behind the scenes for over a year to make this happen. So, it's really fulfilling to see it come to life.

"Sustainability has always been at the forefront of what we do."

The electric Nissan Townstar van uses Vantastec’s ‘Hydrogen Power Unit’ and offers a new, zero-emission power source for on-board equipment to defrost and bring meals to an edible temperature.

This collaboration with the PowerCell Group demonstrates the growing demand for green energy solutions.

"PowerCell is proud to be a part of this project, bringing hydrogen applications closer to the community," said sales manager Stuart Sharp.

Mr Edwards and Mr Smith view hydrogen as a practical alternative, allowing businesses to decarbonise without compromising on performance.

They said: "Our new hydrogen power pack is a game changer." The pack can refuel in less than 10 minutes at a hydrogen fuel station.